Sunday, June 24, 2012

Religous Freedom in the United States

Many are using the term "Freedom of Worship" in discussing the HHS Mandate forcing religous hospitals, schools, and food pantries to provide  abortion, abortificants, contraceptive, and sterilization health care coverage to their employees. Individuals who have issued the HHS Mandate ( sadly it is already in the federal book of laws) employ the above-mentioned term  "Freedom of Worship."
  Please pause for a few minutes to reflect on the implications of the phrase "freedom of worship." Freedom of worship is the freedom to worship inside the place of worship; the implication, diagnosed by Aristotealian Logic, of this terminology is that worship is  confined to within the walls of that paticular worship building, and that the affects of that worship ( i.e. potential conversion of hearts toward faith, towards hope) can not be expressed outside the walls of the paticular place of worship.