Sunday, June 2, 2013

A Few Words, Ya'll!! :)

             The Feast of Corpus Christi aids in comprehension of the sacredness of the family, as all feasts, solemnities, prayers, actions, and sacraments should do.  This is because all these actions and mechanisms point to the life death and resurrection of Christ. Sacred Scripture and Tradition help us see how the official celebration of the Body and Blood of our Lord relates to the Holy Family. We begin with God saving his chosen ones in Egypt from Pharaoh.  Here the first Passover from death to life occurred; God asked his families to sacrifice one lamb. Focus here is given to what was done with the blood of the Passover lamb: it was placed on the doorposts of the houses of the children of Israel as an identifying mark. And in Jewish homes throughout the world today, too, the blood of the lamb is symbolically blessed and spiritually placed on doors.  
Blood scripturally symbolizes life; when the Israelites enslaved in Egypt placed blood on their doorposts, they placed life on their doorposts. In Judah, priests poured the blood of animals brought as thanksgiving offerings at the foot of the altar. Thus they remembered, thanked, and implored God to continue to give his life-giving grace. Here, in a study of the history of humanity’s salvation, we observe in the Temple the same life giving element, blood, that we observe protecting the homes of the Israelites whom participated in the first Passover.  God’s life giving grace is perhaps seen easily in the sanctuary. The same life-giving grace nourishing and protecting the Church and its Jewish brothers and sisters is the same grace nourishing and protecting our homes.