Thursday, February 2, 2012


Whoops, I just stepped to the right, and ah oh, I just landed in some you know what. Earlier, I reached up into the cubbard, and knocked over three or four cans of cream corn. Hmmm, well at least last Tuesday I had a good run at the gym.
     What we are here today to talk about, however, is not physical movement, although physical movement will occur when Our Lord returns in glory. Spiritual movement is the topic of this discussion, and many Christian faith traditions hold that it started with Jesus' Assension to Heaven. At that point, the First Born of the Dead (Colossians 1: 12-20), through the grace and love of The Father, moved upward to the right Hand of God, body and soul.
     Upward movement to Christ still occurs, everyday. The Good News of the Christian Gospel is that a pathway exists to lasting union with God, through the saving actions of Jesus. Peace has come to us, and  gave us His Holy Sprit to remain with humanity forever.
Father Almighty,
Your Children sense the
gift of  Eternal Life You
have given them through
the Life, Death, and Resurrection
of Your son, Jesus Christ.
Continue to move and gather all
souls to Your Joy and Your Peace.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord,
who lives and reigns with You and
the Holy Spirit, One God, for ever and ever.

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