Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Devoutly, I Adore Thee - The Music of Saint Thomas Aquanis

Aquinas perhaps is best known as the last of the great classical philosophers. In addition, he is arguably the greatest Christian Theolgian. His music, however, maybe is less known, less studied; but his music contains amazing truths about humanity, and the Divine human relationship. Tantum Ergo, and Salutaris Hostia lead us to Light Itself, God.
       My favorite song written by the Angelic Doctor is Adore te Devote.  I've complied two videos: The First is performed by the nice monks at Mount Angel Abby, Oregon. These videos combined require maybe eight minutes to watch/listen.

The second video is very appropriate for a Lenten observance because it accompanies a visual tour of the Passion of Our Lord, at The Shrine of Christ's Passion, Saint John's, IN:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adoro_te_devote is an English Translation of Aquinas' Latin Hymn.  

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