Saturday, September 25, 2021

Libri Carolini

Libri Carolini - Wikipedia

The Iconoclast Contresversy cannot be overlooked for several reasons. Firstly, the Holy Doctrine that images can and should be venerated gives conclusion to the Eastern Orthodox view that all that is needed for full Divine Revelation to Man is contained within the Seven Eccumenical Councils. Secondly, the Iconoclast debate ( 700s-900s) laid the framework a for Ceasaro-Papist governance ( bamm Charlemagne was crowned Emporor of the West, and it started, lol) in Western Europe ( Cesaro-Papists viewed the Pope's role was to pray and the Emperor's role was to achieve The Church's Mission on Earth). The Eastern Roman Empire was always this way. #gobyzantinelife

The Libri Carolini was Charlemagne's response to Second Nicea ( where Saint  Theodora declared the above- mentioned Iconoclasm "anathema sit", lol."). In it, he said, " No", to Second Nicea and "No" to Rome, who had already agreed with Theodora in the East. This info is valuable because many who study European History today assume that, " Oh, Rome has always governed Western European Theology." No, the Franks quickly set up a life where they were to make their own doctrine, lol. And this actually congrues more with traditional teaching on the degree of power a bishop holds- he is seen as the " Corporate Sole" of The Diocese.

So, France in the 800s was fiercely Iconoclast. Rome was not. The Libri Carolini, according to Dr. John Rao, contain a lot of negative things about Greek-speaking Christians. This, is a beginning of the Great Schism, sadly. It was so, so not about The Filoque, I agrue. 

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