Wednesday, October 6, 2021

The Apostle to the North

In the 6th Century, Saint Columbanus did much to iniate the conversion of the Franks, which was fueled by the baptism of Clovis in the 4th. Saint Boniface continued this missionary work with the Germans. These two greats did not talk with the Saxons ( whose  conversion process was discussed yesterday) nor with the Nordic people. Credit cannot be given enough to the monastics for this growth. In the 9th Century ( 800s), Christianity reached these groups, primarily through the work of Saint Ansgar. Ansgar, whose mother died early in his life, was sent to the monastary of the venerable Corbie Abbey. Corbie was noted for its library and Scriptorum, and its abbot had the right to mint coins. The Abbey was closed under the dastardly French Revolution, and it's library moved. I am attaching a link to the life of Ansgar, as well as a picture of the still-standing abbey church.

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