Saturday, January 21, 2012

Day Four of Prolonged Period of Prayer for Christian Unity: Changed by Jesus' Victory over Evil

The English word "change." Wow, does it have many different meanings and uses. It is a noun and a verb, and can mean anything from monetary amounts to shifts in interior feelings and world outlooks. Here, we would like to address shifts in interior feelings, and how transfigured interior states effect an individual's world outlook. What is Joy? How does it feel to be joyful? Have we ever smiled with our heart? These are concepts that arise as we reflect on the event of Our Lord conquering death and darkness.

He did defeat darkness, once and for all.  Church leaders have selected wonderful texts for us to think about today: In Exodus, for example, we hear how fear and loneliness can come into our hearts, if we do not prayerfully examine life's events and occurrences, seeking truth, goodness, and excellence in all of our words and actions. But I would like to bring up Psalm 36:10: "In Your Light we see Light itself."  God is not a brightness that fades; His mercy, His warm smile greets us always, like a Father checking on his child in his or her bedroom during the night. ( thank you Father Joe, for that analogy). Again, God has already won the battle for our souls, and it is now time (high time, according to the Rule of Saint Benedict, lol)  to respond to His Victory heartily and in truth. 

Here is a prayer as we await the full dawn of the ever-lasting Sunday morning: 

Lord Jesus Christ, we thank You for Your victory over evil and division. We praise You for Your sacrifice and Your resurrection that conquer death. Help us in our everyday struggle against all adversity. May the Holy Spirit give us strength and wisdom so that, following You, we may overcome evil with good, and division with reconciliation. Amen.

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