Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day One of a Week Long Reflection

Our brothers and sisters in East and Central Asia have already begun the first of eight days of Prayer for Christian Unity ( It's 2:41 PM in Seoul. South Korea right now). lol  :)  . Resources , full text, and other information regarding the week can be found at http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/pontifical_councils/chrstuni/weeks-prayer-doc/rc_pc_chrstuni_doc_20110414_week-prayer-2012_en.html

Wendsday's theme for reflection is "Christ came to serve, not to be served." (MK 10:45). If interested,  take  45 seconds or so to reflect on this Gospel passage.

How does this Gospel statement change our mindsets about how we view our neighbors? Does it emphasis value of neighbor? Is it a common thread of Christianity extending from the most Ancient Churches to contemporary Evangelical Communities? I would love to hear your responses and reflections below.

Please take a few more moments of silence to enhance our awareness of service to neighbor, and its importance.


Almighty and eternal God, by travelling the royal road of service your Son leads us from the arrogance of our disobedience to humility of heart. Unite us to one another by your Holy Spirit, so that through service to our sisters and brothers, Your true countenance may be revealed; You, who live and reign forever and ever. Amen.

Other Scriptures relating to today's refection include Zech 9 :9-10, Psalm 131, Rom 12:3-8. 

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