Monday, January 9, 2012

Those Crazy Ears of Mine!

Sunday at Mass, I overheard two individuals speaking behind me. My crazy ears heard what they said, and sent the message to my sometimes speculative mind. Here's the crux of the situation and conversation. An individual who was not familiar with Catholic teaching was a guest. The host, when it came time for The Liturgy of the Eucharist said, "Alright, now this is the most important part of the Mass." I physically collapsed, and an ambulance had to come and get me...just kidding, lol...hey, we've always got to to have a good laugh.
Saint Jerome translating mostly Greek texts into Latin
        This particular Roman Catholic, although intent good, might need 20 minute refresher course on what the Liturgy is, and that is ok; the liturgy is a public response of faith and love from the created to the Creator. In our responses of gladness, we include, prior to the Liturgy of the Eucharist, what is called "The Liturgy of the Word." This word, Sacred Scripture, is such an important part of our prayer public, and when we go to our rooms each day or night for private prayer. When we reflective on the Word of God with mind and soul, beauty appears. God Almighty, send down Your Spirit and inspire faithful everywhere always to listen and respond attentively to what You have revealed through Sacred Scripture. We ask this through Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. 

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