Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Epiphany

Today, North American Roman Catholics celebrate the Solemnity of the Epiphany. It is a day of mindsets transfigured from focus on the worries and grinds of this life to the hope, stillness, peace and joy found in Heaven's Treasures. New realizations occur: all peoples have the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit caring for them deeply right now. Stony, earthly hearts are transformed into hearts full of God's giving Spirit ( Ez 36:24-28).
       Jesus Christ, no darkness can overshadow Your light. Amen. 

   A tradition on The Epiphany in the Russian Orthodox Church, as well as other Eastern Churches, is to have the option to dunk yourself three times in ice cold water, feeling all over the cleansing and renewing power of The Holy Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. ( Don't try this at home, lol, there are trained rescuers on site to make sure this guy doesn't drown!)

The Epiphany is called the Theophany in the East.

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