Friday, January 6, 2012

Draw near to me, Paschal actions of God!

Fr. Jean Corbon, OP  ( Order of Preachers, known also as the Dominican Religious Order) taught me a lot. He helped me understand three very important days within the Christian faith tradition.  They are Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. The meanings of Fridays, Saturdays, and Sunday's establish and maintain our identity as human brothers and sisters, open our hearts to the spirit of God and  allow us to recognize the imperfection of this life.

Here is a brief explanation of how Fridays affect spiritual life in Christian Tradition and their significance in Christian Theology.

Christ Jesus died that we might live on a Friday ( the day before the Sabbath). In turn, we draw closer to experiencing The Paschal Mystery through aligning our actions similarly to Jesus' actions on Good Friday. Perhaps we abstain from meat; perhaps we sit quietly in front of a crucifix for fifteen minutes; perhaps we say ten Our Fathers verbally in our room. All these actions are to remind us that we unable to gain Eternal Life for ourselves, that Jesus defeated death once and for all ( and thus we should not fill our lives with worry, regret, and guilt). The Second Person of the Holy Trinity has borne these things for us; through his Passion and Cross He has taken these from our shoulders. Our actions in memorial to Jesus' life-giving Way of the Cross remind us that indeed this world is passing, and guiding our eyes to our Heavenly permanent Home is in truth fruitful. 

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