Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day Two: "Changed Through the Patient Waiting for the Lord"

Day Two's theme, in our week-long Prayer for Christian Unity, is "Changed Through the Patient Waiting for the Lord."  The Gospel text for reflection is Mt 3:3-17: Let it be so for now, for it is proper to fulfill all righteousness.

To me, the Gospel text for today has a strong meaning: be still. My natural mode of operation is to run; run away from all the problems inside me, run away from the world. This is opposed to remaining seated in my chair, identifying those elements of heart and mind that are disturbing me, and asking God's Spirit to fill those spaces. (We know each time we ask God to send down His Spirit upon us, he never refuses.) The final and most wonderful phase ( in anticipation of the ever-lasting peace He offers us) of this interior,daily journey is resting in His Peace and His Joy, and becoming aware that he is calling my neighbors to the same lasting peace. 

 Join moments of silent reflection on what this Gospel text means to you, if interested. Feel free to share your reflections below. If not, that is ok, too.

A question that may help in acknowledging that all Christians perhaps have more common ground than many of us are aware is: Is there anyone is your life you have seen wait for better times, was it beneficial to them?

Closing Prayer:

Faithful God, you are true to your word in every age. May we, like Jesus, have patience and trust in your steadfast love. Enlighten us by your Holy Spirit that we may not obstruct the fullness of your justice by our own hasty judgements, but rather discern your wisdom and love in all things. ; You who live and reign forever and ever. Amen.

Additional Christian scriptural resources include: 1 Sm 1:1-20, Ps. 140, Heb 11:32-34. I would also recommend Ez. 11:19: I will put a new spirit within you, replacing your natural, stony heart.

Know of God's blessings and my prayers. 


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